Technologically AdvancedSMS has been pressing forward in all areas of helmet research, from innovative shapes to the latest fitting devices. Our drive for new technology, materials and processes comes not just from interest to develop in itself. But mostly from our desire to create helmets that have improved fit, easy of use, comfort of use for you, our riders. New material research is on going as we search for even lighter products that can be even more impact absorbing. We are increasing the amount of aerodynamic research so we can better understand how to reduce drag and improve ventilation. We list out some of the technologies and processes we use to produce SMS helmets. Icons are listed by individual helmets on each page that represent the detail of each technological feature of that particular helmet. SMS致力于头盔所有领域的研发,从外形的创新到佩戴舒适性的改进都是我们的目标。我们对新技术的热衷,并非简单出于开发的兴趣,更主要是在为骑行的人着想:为您提供不断改进的头型,便捷的使用方法以及舒适的感觉。我们对新材料的研发,主要是为了设计出更轻,同时更耐冲击的产品。 SMS投入大量精力在空气动力学的研究,以便减少空气阻力,并取得更好的通风效果。以下我们将列出部分已经用于SMS的技术和工艺。所有这些技术的符号已经在介绍单一头盔产品的页面中列出。这些有特色的产品都有各自的技术细节。 Our TechnologiesSMS helmets have so many technologies available we had to dedecate an entire page to them. So here are each of these technologies listed as icons and a brief explanation of thier uses. Each helmet model has a listing of the tec icons that is built into that model. SMS头盔所涵盖的技术实在是很多,以致于无法用单一的页面来描述. 这里分成两页将各种技术的符号以及对应的解释列出来. 每一款头盔都把它所用到的技术符号一一列出来. 下面这些解释将帮助您更好的了解您的头盔是如何生产出来的. |
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